Colorfront Does IBC 2024… Live From Stockholm‽
…Plus Other Ground-Breaking Workflow News From Amsterdam

IBC 2024, Amsterdam – Colorfront (, the multi-award-winning developer of high-performance dailies/transcoding/streaming systems for motion pictures, OTT, broadcast and commercials – will showcase its latest technology during IBC 2024 with cloud-based demonstrations of its powerful streaming and mastering solutions.

These presentations will underscore the exceptional power, quality, and security of Colorfront's systems by ‘live-streaming’ SDR/HDR footage processed by Colorfront Transkoder in-the-cloud, the number-crunching will take place some 900 miles away, in Stockholm, Sweden, using regular hotel broadband to view the results in real-time. During IBC 2024, the company will also unveil fresh advances across its full product portfolio and cloud-based operations, many powered by AI, that are set to make the ultimate experience in cinema and TV mastering even better.

Colorfront Mastering & QC Mastering operations are further enhanced in Transkoder:
Colorfront continues to make giant strides in the advancement of cinema/TV mastering and QC mastering with Transkoder, and has opened a new chapter in SDR/HDR color workflows with a multitude of color remapping tools for SDR to Dolby Vision, DCI to Dolby Vision and HDR Cinema, amongst others. Along with tools to adjust HDR Roll-off and correct HLG content, Transkoder’s automated Subtitle Detection tool supports enhanced productivity by enabling users to detect and adjust the luminance of subtitles independently of the background image, for an optimal HDR master.

The brand-new, AI-assisted, Rolling Credit Detection feature also offers improved efficiency with its capability to extract the text content of rolling credits, giving users a short-cut to the frequently time-consuming task of updating credits. Transkoder also delivers additional automated tools to detect, filter and triage a multitude of framing issues, such as incorrect/moving mattes, black edge-pixels, dead pixels, sparkle/digital dust, plus black and repeated frames.

Operability improvements encompass significantly-enhanced timeline marker functionality to accelerate QC workflows, accommodating many types of QC tags and object labels, while new PSNR and DeltaICtCp video comparison tools generate timeline markers to indicate visible differences between versions or re-encoded deliverables.

Additional timeline features for QC tasks include video file comparison, offering a split-view on the reference video output, plus the ability to drag-and-drop media directly onto the timeline. The brand-new comprehensive Media Report PDF includes manually-logged and automatically detected problems, featuring a screengrab facility for each issue. DCP validation reports are now also formatted as a PDF.

Colorfront On-Set Dailies & Express Dailies 2024 get AI firepower:
The 2024 versions of Colorfront’s popular On-Set Dailies and Express Dailies have been updated with additional firepower from automation and AI-based tools. Workflow automation features include a new Project API that enables automated dailies card ingest, QC analysis and deliverables rendering. A redesigned web UI lets users oversee project media and work within a dailies project from a web browser, for such tasks as reviewing proxies/metadata, logging QC notes and starting renders.

On-Set Dailies and Express Dailies also benefit from the introduction of AI-based dialogue detection, plus AI-automated slate detection, a custom-developed model that robustly identifies the frame where the slate closes, tremendously aiding audio-sync workflows.

Colorfront doubles-down on data & content security in new cloud and remote toolsets:
In an increasingly complex digital landscape, Colorfront’s commitment to the highest levels of security and the protection of data and content, is exemplified by the TPN Gold Shield for its Streaming Server appliance and a new back-end component for secure, zero-trust cloud deployments of Transkoder. Additionally, AES-256 data encryption, visible and forensic watermarking, together with authentication and authorization processes, create a secure environment that safeguards content and data in-transit and at rest, protecting users against unauthorized access and potential breaches.

In tandem with security, Colorfront has made a host of operational improvements to its cloud-based and remote/streaming workflow products. Transkoder now offers sophisticated Amazon EC2 instance management with auto-scaling processing, along with a new web interface to manage automated processes such as QC pre-checks or SDR-to-HDR conversion using a web browser. The integrated browser in Transkoder’s UI fully-supports S3-based workflows, eliminating the need to localize files.

Reference-quality remote QC with Colorfront’s Streaming solutions now operates with zero latency, as local caching allows QC operators to stop/start/navigate between frames as if the media were local. Streaming Player delivers Loupedeck panel support for an ergonomic QC experience. Streaming Server from the cloud offers primary and secondary real-time streams, with WebRTC providing sub-second delivery natively within any web browser or mobile device in tandem.

About Colorfront: Colorfront is headquartered in Budapest, Hungary, with offices in Los Angeles, plus sales partners worldwide. The company's popular, award-winning on-set dailies and transcoding systems are utilized by small, medium and large companies alike, to process and deliver media for Hollywood blockbusters, high-end episodic TV and OTT internet entertainment. The firm was founded in 2000 by Mark and Aron Jaszberenyi, who were instrumental in the advent of non-linear DI color grading. Combining in-depth expertise in image color science with a pedigree in cutting-edge software development, the company's R&D team earned an Academy Award in 2010 for Lustre, Autodesk's DI grading system, and a Primetime Engineering Emmy in 2012 for Colorfront On-Set Dailies. Colorfront has since become renowned for the innovation, excellence and performance of its camera-to-post products, which include On-Set Dailies, Express Dailies and Transkoder. The company has leveraged its technology to successfully offer Colorfront Cloud Services, and also owns and operates a state-of-the-art DI and post-production facility, of the same name, in Budapest.



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